Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hello everyone, I hope you are very well. In this post I will tell you how I chose my career and how I got there.
Since I was a child I liked drawing and designing all kinds of things, I played with laymen and towards figures, although I did not know about my choice until I reached high school. In my school they organised a fair to inform us about the careers available in our country. Architecture caught my attention there, since it mixed all the aspects that I liked, but finally I decided on the career of Public Administration since because I would earn more money in the first years of work, I entered through a special route called "SIPEE", which did not ask me for a high score given my economic situation. After a year I got tired of continuing to study there and made the decision to move to Architecture, although this time I would not have the option to apply for sipee. I studied for about two months to take the PSU  test again, so that I could get the score to enter this career, I studied all day and all night and finally I entered.
I think it was the best decision I have ever made. I have met interesting people with whom I share tastes, I like architecture a lot.


  1. Cristian, I'm glad to know that now you study what you really like!

  2. It's good to know that you like your career =)

  3. Hi Cristian, i entered for SIPEE too


Hi everyone, I would like to talk to you about my favorite picture, which I put in this post. I was in Machu Picchu, I remember that I wa...