Monday, June 15, 2020

hello everyone: today i would like to talk about my favorite piece of technology. I think that every day we are more dependent on technology, but that is good today, since they are very efficient communication and work  tools. In particular, my favorite piece of technology is the computer. It is useful for everything i need, for example playing, working, studying and not getting bored in quarantine. Also I think that today it is essential to have one at home and even more in the current context.
A week ago I had to cha ge my computer because the previous one could not have the programs that are used to do university work, this is the reason why it is my favorite technological piece, it really facilitatess many things. But generally the cost a lot of money, they are not easy to get, although I think it is the best investment that can be made.

I hope you liked this blog, see you

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hello everyone, I hope you are very well. In this post I will tell you how I chose my career and how I got there.
Since I was a child I liked drawing and designing all kinds of things, I played with laymen and towards figures, although I did not know about my choice until I reached high school. In my school they organised a fair to inform us about the careers available in our country. Architecture caught my attention there, since it mixed all the aspects that I liked, but finally I decided on the career of Public Administration since because I would earn more money in the first years of work, I entered through a special route called "SIPEE", which did not ask me for a high score given my economic situation. After a year I got tired of continuing to study there and made the decision to move to Architecture, although this time I would not have the option to apply for sipee. I studied for about two months to take the PSU  test again, so that I could get the score to enter this career, I studied all day and all night and finally I entered.
I think it was the best decision I have ever made. I have met interesting people with whom I share tastes, I like architecture a lot.
Hello everyone, in this post I am going to talk about the music that I like since I do not read any book nor do I have favorite writers.
I generally like all genres and types of music, I think I don't have a favorite one, but I do have favorite songs. The songs I always listen to when I travel or when I am alone are random, but when I study or want to sleep I listen to relaxing songs, for example jazz or soul music. The truth is I don't know any soul or jazz artist since I play them randomly, but it helps me a lot to sleep.
When I was a child I liked some groups, for example "green day" in specific its song "holiday". Now I think that the artist I listen to the most is "mac miller", I love his song "good news".
This post I think will serve to get to know me a little more, regarding my musical tastes.

Hi everyone, I would like to talk to you about my favorite picture, which I put in this post. I was in Machu Picchu, I remember that I wa...